
Showing posts from May, 2024

Feel Something

Good evening, my Lovelies! How the hell are ya doing? I am still drained but feel I'm slowly coming back to myself. I know that once I finally return home it will help me immensely. I'll get there. I just have to get through some things here in Kentucky first. While my life is still obviously in a whirlwind, I hope you are finding yourself with smooth sailing. Other than the obvious, what have I been up to? Let's see... I've been out on a couple of "dates." (Even the hubs calls them dates. Chill.) I got a new tattoo and now have tats on both ass cheeks. I also did something I've been thinking about doing for quite some time now. I fully stepped outside my comfort zone and got my nipples pierced. Everyone thinks I'm crazy, that I've lost my mind. Maybe. But I will tell you this, getting that done gave me a sense of empowerment that I've not felt in a long damn time. It was the boost I needed at the time I needed it. Did it hurt? Absolutely. Will...

Supermarket Flowers

Good afternoon, my Lovelies! I know. I know! It has been almost a full month since I've blogged. It was seriously not my intention to go that long without clearing my head and hopefully entertaining you all with some funny and/or crazy things. Alas, here we are. I hope you all have been doing well and that your little corner of the world has been a bright and happy place! If you've been with me for a while you know I've been having the hardest six months of my life. My father passed away in November and I moved in with my mother to care for her as she battled cancer. I left my husband and children back east and tried my hardest to manage two households that were 900 miles apart. On top of the physical needs she had, there was cooking, cleaning, chauffering, scheduling, mediating (the hubs and the youngest), financial managing, and all manner of other things. I've also continued to try to write which unfortunately has been spotty, at best. It has not been easy. Not by an...