
Showing posts from October, 2021

I Wanna Sex You Up

Good morning, my Lovelies! At least I hope you're having a good morning. I have to tell you, I woke this morning a wee bit leery of what the day might bring. This week there has been one insane thing after another, preceded by one stupid thing after another, and followed up with calamity upon calamity. The vaccine world in which I work is a strange and unusual place at the moment and I can't begin to tell you all that I've dealt with this week. But, at least it's Thursday and we are one day closer to the weekend, and with any luck, one day closer to my imagination spewing some incredibly sexy stories to keep you on your toes. (Maybe even your hands and knees!) As I was driving home yesterday I had an amazingly sexy scene pop in my head. And for some reason it made me question the timing of my thoughts. I mean, I don't feel as if I think about sex that often, but when I evaluate my thoughts throughout any given day, I'm finding that sex is almost always on my min...

Heart Like Mine

Good Saturday morning, my Lovelies! Saturday? Yeah, yeah, I'm late. It is what it is. It is my greatest hope that you've had an amazing week and that you've been given a reason to smile, not just with your mouth, but with your heart. You see, there are some smiles that are light and fun, but there are some smiles (and they're truly the best) that come from a place so deep within us that they're a true reflection of the joy, love, and contentment that we feel in life. Those, my Lovelies, are heart smiles. My week has been a whirlwind of emotions and feelings.  Tired; Lack of sleep and adequate exercise will do that every time.  Disgusted and fed up; My job has pushed my limits on the bullshit I can handle. It really won't take much for me to walk out the door. Anxious; I had to drive up-state yesterday and while, for the most part, driving somewhere I'm unfamiliar with doesn't bother me (yay GPS), there are some areas of the country that make my anxiety m...

Dirty Work

Good evening, my Lovelies! It's that time of the week again. You know, that time of the week where I examine all the craziness that naturally befalls me on a daily basis. Let's start off with, y'all good? Having a nice week? Have you found a reason to smile? If not, I hope my blog does that for ya. So what's been going on with me? Same ol' shit - different day. I'm still desperately hoping to make my writing a full-time gig. I'm still buried in the deepest pit of hell dealing with this COVID vaccine task force (plus my normal duties who live in the next pit over). My house is still a disaster. I still have dinner, dishes, and laundry to deal with every day. I have to text my children to know what is going on in their lives, and I have yet to see them perform at a football game this year. I'm sure you're thinking about "blessin' my heart" and I'm alright with that. I know shit when I see it and smell it, and y'all know I'm re...

One of the Drunks

Good morning, my Lovelies! I am so pleased that you decided to join me and see what nonsense I have to share with you. First, let me tell you that it is now 6:10 am, and I am blogging from the top floor of a 3-story beach house in the stunningly beautiful Outerbanks of North Carolina, USA, located directly on the beach at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. It is still dark outside and I'm anxiously awaiting the sunrise with the sliding door open and the sounds of the waves breaking shore reverberating through the air.  It is peaceful. It is relaxing. It is perfection. (Well, almost. I haven't had any coffee yet as I was anxious to take advantage of some alone time to do my blog.) So, what do I have to tell you today?  I'm having a wonderful time! If you have never taken a trip with a few of your closest friends, do it! Find the time, make the plan, and don't let anything stop you. I suppose some people would consider it selfish of me to take a vacation without my family. M...