Heart Like Mine

Good Saturday morning, my Lovelies! Saturday? Yeah, yeah, I'm late. It is what it is. It is my greatest hope that you've had an amazing week and that you've been given a reason to smile, not just with your mouth, but with your heart. You see, there are some smiles that are light and fun, but there are some smiles (and they're truly the best) that come from a place so deep within us that they're a true reflection of the joy, love, and contentment that we feel in life. Those, my Lovelies, are heart smiles.

My week has been a whirlwind of emotions and feelings. 

Tired; Lack of sleep and adequate exercise will do that every time. 

Disgusted and fed up; My job has pushed my limits on the bullshit I can handle. It really won't take much for me to walk out the door.

Anxious; I had to drive up-state yesterday and while, for the most part, driving somewhere I'm unfamiliar with doesn't bother me (yay GPS), there are some areas of the country that make my anxiety meter spike. Let's see there's, the racecourse of the DC Beltway, the spaghetti junction of overlapping interstates in St. Louis, and I-95 North...if you've ever driven I-95 North you'll know why I don't need to explain this further. And for some completely unrealistic reason, up-state Delaware. No worries, I made it through my travels without incident.

Love and pride; I feel these every time I look at my children, but I was able to go to the football game last night (my first of this season) and had the pleasure of watching my children (yes, both of them) performing in the band during their half-time show. My family has always had a love of music and to know that my children are continuing the tradition of being in the marching band touches me deeply. (Heart smile #1.)

Sad, blessed, and thankful; This week I had to say goodbye to a co-worker who has come to mean so much to me in an extremely brief period of time. She is such an amazing person. Even on her darkest days she shines bright and makes those around her happy. Whether it is telling dad jokes, telling you stories of her three young boys, or laughing at herself over something she did, she always makes you smile. She's intelligent, thoughtful, a very hard worker, and is going to be an amazing teacher! I'm sad to see her go, blessed to have gotten to know her, and so thankful to have her in my life. (Heart smile #2.)

Naughty; Maybe you don't want to hear this, maybe you do, but I have been in some kind of way this week! There has been this overload of sexual thoughts and awareness running through my mind and body this week and damn it all to hell and back, but I haven't been able to do a damn thing about it! I've been too busy to write and too tired to physically relieve the tension in any way, shape, or form. And because this has been building all week, I woke up this morning with my boobs feeling large and in charge. (I know that the women reading this understand what I'm talking about!) If there's no relief today, there may be dire consequences. 

Excited; I made an appointment for my next tattoo and I can't wait!

So, yes, I have been all over the place emotionally this week. I find it interesting when reading back through this blog that this was not at all what I had planned to write when I sat down here this morning. My mind works in strange and mysterious ways. I just hope that my weirdness keeps you all coming back for more. 

You see, my Lovelies, you all are a heart smile for me.

Until next time, and as always,

Much love and affection from me to you!

Shelly (a/k/a Dawn Love)

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