I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
Good afternoon, my Lovelies! It has now been more than two weeks since I last blogged and I have so much going through my head that I don't know where to begin or what for sure I want to talk about. Personally, I have some things going on, some relationships that have become unstable, and I'm hurt and at a loss as to why those things are happening. Globally, I'm angry, sad, frightened, and worried about the direction my country has gone and is headed. Professionally, which comes back to the personal side, I'm struggling. Actually, I'm more than struggling, I feel like I'm suffocating, my light growing dimmer with each passing moment. Maybe my imposter syndrome is just being obnoxiously prevalent right now, but I'm having a hard time figuring out why anyone would read my writing. Maybe that's because my sales and page reads have taken a major nose-dive, maybe that's because my Patreon isn't growing as it once was, maybe it's because I've l...