
Showing posts from August, 2022

Already Gone

Good evening, my Lovelies! Yes, I know, it’s been over two weeks since I last made a blog post. It’s been killing me, too! I hope life has been treating you kindly since we last spoke and I hope that you have plans this weekend that will bring you joy! So, why haven’t I done a blog post? Oh, where to begin? As you may or may not know, I have a child who has now left for college. I’ve spent the past few months trying to prepare this kid, organize this kid, and move this kid.  And then it finally happened. Last week we took my first-born and left them on campus three hours away from home. Driving away and leaving my baby was hard, and no amount of preparation made it any easier.  I actually took off work for the two days following the move with thoughts that I would probably not be of any use at the office. And I had, instead, planned on taking those days to write, to gather my thoughts, and to just get used to the fact that my child had taken this huge step. As it turned out, I...

Love Me Anyway

Good afternoon, my Lovelies! Forgive me. It has now been two weeks since my last blog. Why does saying that always make me feel like I’m at a confessional? I mean, I’m not even Catholic! Crazy! Anyway, I hope you are well, and that life has been kind to you since I last checked in. What’s been going on with me? Oh, you know, the usual. I’ve been working, writing, and trying to push my shit out on social media. And in the midst of all of this, I’m trying to get this kid of mine all set up for college. I’m happy and sad at the same time and it is absolutely exhausting. I’ve been doing quite a bit of thinking lately about myself and the people in my life. I will be the first to tell you that I can be a handful most of the time and it often makes me wonder how the people in my life put up with me. I should probably have a neon sign flashing over my head at all times that says “chaos” so that people are warned before approaching me of just what to expect. To be fair, I don’t intention...