
Showing posts from March, 2023

Crazy Train

Good morning, my Lovelies, and Happy Thursday! Gracious! I hardly know where to begin. Loki has entered the atmosphere. Chaos has been ruling my world for the past couple of days. Actually, let's make it the past couple of weeks. So I guess let's start with, how are you? I hope you're well and that your life has been much less of a shit show than mine has been.  What's been going on? Let me break it down. My work (my full-time, grown-up, put your big girl panties on and deal with it job) has had me running all over the state lately. I hardly know which direction I'm going most of the time. As of today, there is no end in sight and I have no expectation of things calming down any time soon. I'm working from home today and I've now had to go into town twice and it isn't even eleven a.m. (Please note "working from home" normally means that I don't have to leave the house until my job is done for the day.) I've had trouble logging into my w...


Good morning, my Lovelies! I've been absent and I'm so sorry. I've been preparing for this book release at the end of the month and I've just had a load of shit going on. I hope you are well and that you have had wonderful things happening in your corner of the world. I'm going to be so damn honest with you right now - I haven't been myself lately. Not at all! I've been emotionally and physically needy and that is absolutely not me. I like to think I shoulder my shit well and that for the most part, I'm a very independent person. But I swear I feel like I've been a whiny, pain in the ass over the past couple of weeks. I've shared with you before that I have some pretty serious depressive episodes at times, and yes, I have other things that fuck with me. (I exhibit all the symptoms of ADHD though I've never been diagnosed. I'm obsessive-compulsive, and to top it all off I have gradually worsening misophonia.) But what I've been feeling...