Crazy Train

Good morning, my Lovelies, and Happy Thursday!

Gracious! I hardly know where to begin. Loki has entered the atmosphere.

Chaos has been ruling my world for the past couple of days. Actually, let's make it the past couple of weeks. So I guess let's start with, how are you? I hope you're well and that your life has been much less of a shit show than mine has been. 

What's been going on? Let me break it down.

My work (my full-time, grown-up, put your big girl panties on and deal with it job) has had me running all over the state lately. I hardly know which direction I'm going most of the time. As of today, there is no end in sight and I have no expectation of things calming down any time soon.

I'm working from home today and I've now had to go into town twice and it isn't even eleven a.m. (Please note "working from home" normally means that I don't have to leave the house until my job is done for the day.) I've had trouble logging into my work computer remotely so I'm now reduced to doing all of my work on my phone until we figure out the issue. Doable, but not the easiest or most convenient.

The hubby has been dealing with a migraine, which leaves me picking up any running/errands that he might normally do, such as taking the small child to school. Also, I took the day off yesterday because the small child had a dentist appointment. I had planned to use my time before and after the appointment for writing and catching up on stuff I need to do (like blogging so you guys know I've not fallen off the face of the earth). But did that happen? Not with him home. You see, someone had the bright idea to set up their home office in their bedroom for lack of anywhere better. For some reason, I find it hard to concentrate with him snoring loudly behind me.

The large child was home for Spring Break, which was wonderful, but our sleep schedules do not match up and the entire week they were home I felt as if I had zero sleep.

The small child is sincerely involved in too much and while part of me doesn't want her to grow up too quickly, part of me is glad she is now in driver's ed. Between, school, ballet, drama productions (High School, Middle School, and Community Theater), and her wanting to have the tiniest bit of a social life, I feel like I'm being run ragged.

Did I mention that I finally rejoined the gym? Oh yeah. There's that.

And to top it all off, I've decided that my cat, my senior cat who is the sweetest old man in the world, is secretly trying to kill me. 

Why? As I was sitting here working on this I realized that the sun (which had been shining brightly after my last trip to town) had quickly been covered by clouds and there was a lot of thunder rumbling. Suddenly, it hit me that I had left my sunroof open and my truck sitting in the driveway instead of safely put away in my garage. I went running downstairs and my sweet kitty thought he had to run along with me and then dart in front of me. Yeah, that was almost ugly. And when I yelped as I tripped, all I got was the Puss-N-Boots sad eyes. I think I even saw him shrug his shoulders at me.

Wait. Did I mention that part of my craziness is because of my book launch next week?

So, let me end this by saying that if you have read down this far, I commend you. Also, welcome aboard my crazy train! Enjoy!

Until next time and as always,

Much love and craziness from me to you!

Shelly (a/k/a Dawn Love)

Dawn Love's Linktree


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