
Showing posts from April, 2023

Let it Go

Good afternoon, my Lovelies! Happy freaking Saturday! Y'all...I just looked at how long it has been since I blogged. I'm sorry. All I can say is...LIFE. ya doinnnnn'??? I'm great - at least right now. That may change in a few minutes. Hormone fluctuations are a bitch. But, for now, all is sunshine and roses. For those of you who don't know, I've actually started trying to take a little better care of myself. Actually...I started this a while ago, but I'm finally beginning to feel the changes. I'm eating better, drinking my water, and I just recently started back to the gym. Yay, me! One thing that I haven't shared with you all is that at one point in time, I worked at a gym/fitness center. And as part of the perks, I worked out all the damn time. Yes, I was still overweight, but I felt great. Working out can be very addicting and I definitely found myself craving that high. I was working there when my second baby came along and once she arri...

Buried Alive

Good morning, my Lovelies! How have you been? Good? Are you drinking your water and doing all those self-care things? I hope so. How am I? I'm here. I could go into all kinds of detail about how exhausted I am from being the one that holds everything together and being the one that everyone depends on, but evidently when I discuss these things I come across as whiney.  Who knew that having rational, calm discussions about what's happening in your life and how it makes you feel is classified as whiney? I certainly didn't.  I've never considered myself a whiney person.  I'm asked to do things at work (things clearly outlined in my job description), and I do them. I'm asked to do additional things at work, and I do them. I ask to be provided with the materials and equipment needed to do my job. If these aren't provided, I usually find a workaround. I certainly take on more than I should have to, do more than I have to, and for the most part, do so with a smile ...