I Will Always Love You

Good morning, my Lovelies! It is Sunday morning and I'm in a hell of a mood. I hate this. I hate feeling pissed off at myself and everyone else, but that is where I'm at. I sat here this morning and debated even writing this, but I had to get it out of my head. On top of feeling pissed at everyone and everything, I'm feeling wholly inadequate. I'm sure we all go through times of feeling that way. But today it is hitting me like a damn bomb going off in my head and heart. I, quite simply, will never be enough. (And I'm not fishing here. I know I will receive multiple messages from people telling me that I most definitely am enough. Just...don't.) Here are the intrusive thoughts that have been floating in my head this morning, in no particular order: I will never be smart enough. I will never be pretty enough. I will never be thin enough. I will never be talented enough. I will never be successful enough. The only consolation I've come up with is that I will...