Chaos & Piss

Good afternoon, my Lovies! I know I usually come to you with a certain amount of perkiness and hopefulness, but I'm just not feeling it today. Forgive me. Is there something wrong? Absolutely. Can it be changed? I'm working on it. Is it going to make me physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted in the meantime? Definitely.

In other words, I'm tired y'all. I'm tired to the depths of my soul. Finding the strength and energy to get out of bed for the past couple of weeks has been a daunting task, to say the least. I'm floundering in every aspect of my life at the moment and it is pissing me off.

It's almost as if there isn't enough of me to go around. My time and efforts are battling with my needs, wants, and desires, and in the process, nothing is being accomplished except for me making my ass drag with unbearable weariness. (And pissing off everyone around me at the same time! Fun!) There are just not enough hours in my day. Correction, there are not enough productive hours in my day. Part of this is job-related, part of this is caused by my disorganization.

Ahh...disorganization. The bane of every fire sign's existence. You see, I'm not completely disorganized. There are things I'm extremely particular about. My desk(s), for instance. There is a place for everything and everything is in its place. You can walk in either of my offices and you will not see one item out of place. Things are lined up neatly, even within my desk drawers. I can put my hands on anything you ask for in seconds.

However, my house, Lord help me, is a disaster. To be fair, part of the disaster has been created because we are remodeling. (Okay, so we've been remodeling for the past five years. Two. Rooms. For. Five. Years...... It is what it is!) But, the other part of the chaos is created by the fact that when I walk in the door every day, I'm so exhausted that I collapse. My ass is glued to my chair until I absolutely have to begin making dinner. And I sit there and look around at everything that needs doing and all I can find the strength to do is cry. (Yay, depression!)
Am I trying to do too much? There was a time that the busier I was, the more productive I was. Now? Well, now I just seem to go in circles and it is unbelievably frustrating. Unfortunately, there is no easy fix for this. Please keep your fingers crossed that things start moving in the right direction so that I can get where I need to be.

Now, before I go and let you wonderfully amazing people get on with your highly productive lives, let me share that my Patreon page has been submitted for approval, and I'm just waiting for word that the page is live. I've even uploaded content already so if you choose to join my Patreon fandom, you will have immediate access to some exclusive content! Exciting, right?

Also, I am working with a dear friend of mine to design the merch that will be offered through my Patreon and she has some really cool ideas!

In other news? I'm getting closer to a publishing date for book four in the Cassidy Brother's series. With any luck, my editor will be done soon and I will have Across the Field published sometime in April. The final book in the series, Across the Miles, has a decent start and I'm looking forward to wrapping that up.

Oh, and the stand-alone book I'm working on is coming along nicely. (I'm beyond excited for that one!)

And one more thing? I am doing a giveaway on Goodreads! So, if you haven't read my first book, Across the Hall, and want to have the opportunity to win a digital copy, head on over to Goodreads and enter! The giveaway runs from March 26th to April 23rd and 100 people will be randomly chosen to receive the download. 

Be looking for my announcements on Facebook and Instagram (I may even make a TikTok!)!

Until next time, my Lovelies!

As always,

Much love from me to you!

Shelly (a/k/a Dawn Love)


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