Don't Stop Believin'

Good afternoon, my Lovelies! I come to you this evening under a veil of brain fog. You see, I received my second COVID-19 vaccine yesterday and my thoughts are fuzzy. I've started this blog three different times trying to get my brain kicked into gear. I feel like I'm trying to write while intoxicated and though there are times that I thoroughly enjoy a drink or two while I'm writing, I'm never inebriated enough while working on my art that I can't think clearly. I don't like it.

Today I want to talk about perseverance. You see, earlier this week I posted a bonus blog talking about how I'm at a loss for what to do to make my presence known in the book world. I was pretty down on myself and feeling a little hopeless. Here's the funny thing. I posted that blog and not more than ten minutes later I was contacted by one of my fans telling me how much they loved my third book, Across the Lane.

I almost cried when I got her message; the timing couldn't have been more perfect. Even better, was the message she sent saying that certain details in my book had stirred her desire for something in particular that she'd been wanting for a long time. To have that kind of impact is simply amazing. 

I don't think readers understand just how valuable their words are to those of us writing these stories. To hear what you think, good or bad, helps us to know if we are on the right track or if we've veered off the path. I mean, are we whistling as we skip along the path, or have we driven that train off the track into a ravine and caught the whole damn thing on fire? You guys have to let us know! 

It's quite astonishing knowing that, not only is your work being read, but that people are enjoying it. To hear that she thought Colton, the sexy, male lead, was dreamy, made my day! If you don't already know, Colton is my dream man. I started to say that I have no words to describe this amazing specimen of male deliciousness, but umm, yeah - been there, done that and you can read all about him. When I say I gave a very detailed description of him in my book, please believe me. I promise you that I leave nothing out. He is absolute perfection in my mind and I cannot tell you how much I adored writing his story.

I certainly hope that the last two books in the series are as well-received as the first three. I feel as if my writing style has evolved, and the stories are becoming more cohesive and entertaining. Every book I write holds a special place with me and as excited as I am to finish the Cassidy Brothers series, I am even more excited to share with you the two (yes, two - y'all know I'm an overachiever, right?) stand-alone books I am currently working on.

And while the book covers for the Cassidy Brothers series have been and will continue to be fairly tame, trust me when I say that I have big plans for the covers of the other books I'm working on. I have met some amazing people through my writing - other authors, cover models, and photographers. Talking to them has done something that I thought would never happen. 

It's made me feel that I've found my people. It's made me feel that I'm home.

As always,

Much love from me to you!

Shelly (a/k/a Dawn Love)

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