American Idiot - Shell's Chronicles of Dumbass-ery (Episode 1)

Good morning, my Lovelies! Welcome to the first edition of things I've done that I shouldn't have done because I fucking knew better. (Or something like that.) Maybe we'll call this Shell's Chronicles of Dumbass-ery? You see, I know that I'm a smart person, in fact, I consider myself quite intelligent (most of the time).  However, I have done some seriously dumb shit throughout my life when I 100% knew better. I'm sure this is something that we have all experienced at times. (I can't possibly be alone in this idiocy!) Some of us are just better at hiding our dumbass-ery than others.

So what exactly am I talking about? Well, let me give you a few examples. When I moved away to college I did quite a bit of dumb shit. The first thing that comes to mind was when I was trying to plug in my stereo and realized that the plug was bent and wouldn't fit properly in the outlet. My method of fixing it by holding the metal part of the plug while trying to insert it gave me quite an eye-opening and shocking experience. See? Dumbass-ery.

Oh, and when I was packing up my stereo to come home at the end of the year I was in such a hurry to get out of there that I misjudged my packing and slammed the lid of the trunk down on the plastic cover. Yeah, I cracked that bitch like a pinata. When I realized what I had done all I could do was stand there and stare at the trunk of my car in horror (followed quickly by uncontrollable and maniacal giggles). 

As you can see, my stereo and I had issues. Oh, and there was that time that I was trying to show off to a couple of friends after I first got my driver's license. Let me say that going through a nice quiet neighborhood doing 60 mph around the curves wasn't the brightest thing I've ever done. That Ford Taurus didn't corner well and we were definitely road-tracking on two wheels for part of it. Yes, I even scared myself.

And more recently, I tried to enter my garage with the tailgate of my van open. Not only did I break the back glass and mess up the tailgate, I also damaged the opening to the garage. Yeah, that really happened. (I've come close to doing it multiple times. I have issues, ok?) 

My dumbass-ery has been epic, at least in my eyes. So I'm going to see just how many dumbass things I can remember over the next couple of weeks in a series of bonus blogs. Enjoy and feel free to share some of your dumbass-ery with me! It would be nice to know that others have experienced some embarrassing "I fucking knew better" moments, too!

Until next time, as always,

Much love from me to you!

Shelly (a/k/a Dawn Love)

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