Killer Queen

Good morning, my Lovelies! It's that time of the week again and though my brain is still sluggish from a poor night's sleep two days ago, I'm determined that I'm going to write this blog today. I have things to say (when have I not had things to say?) and I need to get the thoughts out of my head, even if they are fuzzy and disjointed.

Without going into too much detail, I experienced an unpleasant moment at my office yesterday. I'm not sure how I held my shit together until I got home, but I did. When I finally got home and walked in the door, I lost it. I cried, I got a drink, I explained everything that happened while my family sat and listened, and I cried some more.

I'm pretty sure y'all know I haven't been happy in my job for a while now, and the situation that happened yesterday pushed me right over the limits of what I could handle. I spoke to some of my friends about it, as well, because that's what friends are for. And in speaking to my friends I was reminded (gently and not so gently) of a few things.

1. "Fuck" is a very colorful word and it is impossible to use it too much as long as you use it properly within your sentence structure. Example: "Well, it fucking depends on how fucking long it is going to fucking take to get me the fuck out of here...." See? I gave just the right amount of fucks in that sentence.

2. No matter what comes my way, I'm going to be alright, and I may even come out the other side of the situation stronger than ever.

3. I'm a fucking queen and while it was perfectly acceptable to have my own moment (read: tantrum/pitty party) of frustration, disgust, and disbelief, once I got that shit out of my system, I needed to straighten my crown and show everyone just who I am.

I got a fairly decent night's sleep last night and while I'm still tired and feel as if I'm walking in a fog, I'm definitely feeling better than I was yesterday. We take what we can get, right? Along with feeling better, I also just took a step to try to get some clarity on my work situation which gives me another bit of a boost.

Hopefully, I'll have answers soon. Until then my crown is straight and has begun to sparkle again. My throne is quite comfortable, and while I'm waiting for options to be submitted for my consideration, I'm going to sit back and watch the peasants scheme and scramble for my royal seal of approval.

Okay! I know some of that may not make sense to you, but have patience. All will be revealed in due time.

Until then, as always,

Much love from me to you!

Shelly (a/k/a Dawn Love)

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