Close My Eyes Forever

Good evening, my Lovelies! I hope this finds that you're doing well, are having an amazing week, and that you've found a reason to smile. It's been a short work week here in the good old USA and you would think that would go a long way toward making my week a good one. Alas, while my week will be short, I'm having some long-ass days. 

They say that the eyes are a window to the soul. Well, if you look in my eyes you're going to see the word "exhausted" written on my soul. You may also see phrases like "needs a drink," "needs a real vacation," or maybe even, "needs a sexual experience so damn amazing that she forgets how fucking exhausted she is." Whatever it is you see when you look in my eyes, just know that somewhere in there it should say, "she tried."

Does anyone ever feel like they spend so much time trying to do and be everything that they end up doing and being nothing that you intended? I do. There are so many things that I want to do, need to do, and have to do, that I end up spreading myself too thin and not accomplishing a damn thing. It is unbelievably frustrating. 

I think one thing that is even more frustrating for me is that everyone says, "You have to take time for yourself so that you have something left to give." Well, that's great but when I take time for myself then dishes pile up and toilets don't get cleaned. When I take time for myself dinner doesn't get put on the table until 8:30 or 9:00. When I take time for myself and do something that makes me happy, nobody else is happy. 

So where's the fucking balance? I certainly can't seem to find it and it is pissing me off. This mind purge is short and not so sweet this week. Sorry. Seriously, though. If anyone has suggestions for me, I'd love to hear them.

Until next time, and as always,

Much love from me to you!

Shelly (a/k/a Dawn Love)

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