The Best is Yet to Come

Good morning, my Lovelies! I hope that life has treated you kindly, that you've found something to be happy about, and that you've been the reason that someone has smiled this week. All things considered, this has definitely been a better week for me mentally. Though I'm still not where I really want to be, I am certainly in a more positive frame of mind than I was last week.

Today I wanted to take a moment and acknowledge the fact that I have been getting more and more readers on my Patreon account. It is wonderful and I'm excited about it. I work hard on the things I write - my books, my stories, my poems, and yes, even this blog. To see that my work is being read is a huge boost to my psyche.

I've also been picking up a few more blog readers here and there around the world and that is another boost and step in the right direction. So let me take another moment and send my newest readers in Ireland and Switzerland a warm welcome. (I'm still waiting on Canada and Australia. Where are you guys?) Maybe one of these days, right?

I don't know about you, but there are many times when I'm reading that a well-written line will speak to me, that it will stick with me because it resonates so strongly within me. There are lines from books that I read years and years ago that I can still recall word-for-word because the author plucked those words out of their minds and placed them together in such a way that they touched me, that they made me feel...something. 

Words can be unbelievably powerful and writing those words down can give them more strength, can make them even more powerful. Words can make us love, make us hate, make us want, make us think, make us yearn, and make us hurt. They can even make us burn with desire (ya know, a personal goal of mine). It is my hope that the feelings that I have while writing come through the page, speak to my readers, and make them feel what I was feeling as I wrote them.

Now, I know that my writing may never offer some epic quote that I'll become famous for, but with any luck, my words will touch my readers in some way that will make a difference in their lives. Maybe something I write will stick with my readers for years to come and will be the words that they need to hear when they need to hear them.

Maybe, maybe not. Either way, I'm going to do the only thing I know to do.


Until next time, and as always,

Much love from me to you!

Shelly (a/k/a Dawn Love)

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