Mud On The Tires

Good morning, my Lovelies! It's Thursday and I hope life is treating you like the king or queen that you are! Me? Well, as usual, my crown is decidedly lopsided right now. I'm coming to terms with that, though. I'm finding I'm more and more at peace with who I am as a person. It took me way too long to realize that, but the important part is that I have, right?

As you know, I have a long drive to and from work each day and I usually spend that time lost in my music, in my stories, etc. Every now and then a song comes on and it takes me back, makes me nostalgic, makes me long for days where I traipsed through the cornfields and ran wild as a child. It will remind me of summers spent camping, fishing and hiking through the woods. 

I mean, have you ever awakened to the aroma of breakfast cooking over a campfire? It's so invigorating! Have you ever gotten up at 4 or 5 in the morning, gathered your fishing gear, and sat on the river bank all day drowning worms and relaxing in the sun? The moment when you get that first bite and you see your fishing bobber start to dip, feel your line begin to tug? It's exciting and fun!

The area I grew up in had easy access to a wide array of lakes and rivers and I feel like it is something that I took for granted as a kid. Looking back, I now know how special that was/is for the people who live and visit there.

And I can't think back to my formative years without being reminded of riding ATVs out through the fields and streams, kicking up mud and laughing with friends and family. Then there were those times as a teenager running around with friends and taking trucks out to the mud pit and doing...things. 

Ah! Those were the days. Now, don't get me wrong, I know that there are some of those same kinds of things to do around the area I currently live. Maybe it's just that I've gotten old or I'm looking back through rose-colored glasses, but it's not quite the same. 

Whatever it is, I feel like I need to recapture some of those feelings. I need the outdoors. I need the fresh air. I need the time to reconnect with nature. I feel that is something we should all do as it helps to center us, revive us, and remember the things that are vital to our health, mentally and physically.

I was raised with the idea of "a little dirt never hurt nobody and neither will a little mud." With that in mind, I think it is definitely time to get a little mud on my tires.

Until next time, and as always,

Much love, affection, from me to you!

Shelly (a/k/a Dawn Love)

Dawn Love's Linktree


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