Keeper of the Flame
Good morning, my Lovelies! It's Thursday and though it is a bit chilly here, the sun is shining and it is absolutely beautiful out there! And even though I've been off my game over the past couple of weeks, I feel better this morning and am in a much better mood. (Lucky you!) I hope all is well where you are and that you have been having an amazing week! It has come to my attention recently that I have some friends and acquaintances, people that know me fairly well, who might normally read books in the genre that I write, who are a little...apprehensive about giving my books a try. Why? It seems that they can't or have trouble separating the "me" they know from the persona that I take on when I write. I guess the fact that I write so openly and so descriptively about sex is just weird for them on some level. In one way I can see that, but in another, I can't. Talking so openly about sex is nothing new for me and those that have been friends with me for a lon...