I'm Alright

Good morning, my Lovelies! It's Friday morning and I am away on my much-needed Author's Weekend! My week up until yesterday was...well, shame on me. I started to tell you all that it was alright, a little long as I was looking forward to getting away, but alright. Then I realized that would be lying to you and I told you I wouldn't do that. 

There have been some hurtful things this week, some frustrating things this week, but I'm trying my hardest to move on and let things go. You see, Valentine's Day has never been all that great for me. Maybe I make too much of it, but it bothers me that although I know my husband loves me deeply, he doesn't make effort to honor that with any kind of gift - not even a card. (Well, a card MIGHT happen if for some unknown reason he were to find himself in a store around that time of year.) I truly can't remember the last time I got a Valentine's Day card from him.

So, every year, while chocolate, flowers, and candy are being given to sweethearts everywhere you look, there I am, hoping that it will be different, that I won't get my feelings hurt.

I try to prepare myself for this as I know it is coming every year, but some small part of me always hopes that I'll be wrong. Like I said, I know he loves me, there's no question of that. It would just be nice to have some effort put into it, as he knows how much it would mean to me.

***Also, I'm not telling you this to put him on blast, to call him out. I just needed to get the thoughts out of my head so that I can move on and do what I came here to do.

I think that may have been at least part of the reason that I decided that I needed to get away last February - my first Author's Weekend. Now obviously there was more to it than that. I was stressed, exhausted, and just needed some time to myself, for myself. But it definitely played a role in my need for solace. So here I am on my second Author's Weekend. And while I'm not as stressed as I was last year, there's still some mental shit playing with me. 

Hopefully, I'll be able to put all of that out of my mind and get some real work done. I'm determined to get the last book in the Cassidy Brothers series finished so that it can head into editing. I'm releasing it on March 29th and that deadline is quickly approaching. 

I have so many stories in my head and I'm so ready to share them with you! So, I'm going to cut this blog a little short this week and get to it! Have a great one, y'all! I look forward to sharing with you next week!

Until next time, and as always,

Much love and affection, from me to you!

Shelly (a/k/a Dawn Love)

Dawn Love's Linktree


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