Brain Stew
Good morning, my Lovelies! Happy Thursday! I hope the sun is shining in your corner of the world and that you are having an amazing week! My week, as usual, feels like it has been hectic and a little overwhelming. But, somehow, someway, I will survive. Please picture me with the back of my hand gently pressed to my forehead with a look of longing crossing my face as I stare off into the distance. I call this my Gone With the Wind, Scarlett O'Hara pose. After all, tomorrow is another day... I have a confession to make. I have nightmares. I have nightmares often and sometimes I remember them, sometimes I don't. But each and every time I do have them, one thing always happens, I moan and/or scream loudly with them. My family has become accustomed to hearing these horrendous sounds coming from me in the middle of the night, sometimes even twice a night, and rarely think anything of it. But it is always a concern to me whenever I'm on trips with others, or when visiting family. ...