
Showing posts from March, 2022

Brain Stew

Good morning, my Lovelies! Happy Thursday! I hope the sun is shining in your corner of the world and that you are having an amazing week! My week, as usual, feels like it has been hectic and a little overwhelming. But, somehow, someway, I will survive. Please picture me with the back of my hand gently pressed to my forehead with a look of longing crossing my face as I stare off into the distance. I call this my Gone With the Wind, Scarlett O'Hara pose. After all, tomorrow is another day... I have a confession to make. I have nightmares. I have nightmares often and sometimes I remember them, sometimes I don't. But each and every time I do have them, one thing always happens, I moan and/or scream loudly with them. My family has become accustomed to hearing these horrendous sounds coming from me in the middle of the night, sometimes even twice a night, and rarely think anything of it. But it is always a concern to me whenever I'm on trips with others, or when visiting family. ...

White Wedding

Good evening, my Lovelies! Please forgive me, faithful followers, for it has been more than a week since I have imparted my wisdom, insight, and bullshit for your perusal. Work has been crazy and I have, quite simply, been too tired to think. So, how ya doin'? Y'all alright? I never know as, even though my blog is wide-read, not a damn one of y'all actually message me! (And I would love to hear from you!) My anxiety just about got the better of me this week. Some of it was work-related, but some of it was personal. I don't know why I get anxious about my job sometimes. I mean, not to brag, but for the most part, I'm damn good at it. (I still hate it 90% of the time, but...) So, what was it on the personal front that was making me anxious? I had to go to a wedding today. What's the big deal, right? Well, I really don't know the bride and groom. In fact, I've only met the groom once and had never laid eyes on the bride until this evening. These are people ...

My Shot

Good morning, my Lovelies! Well, it is Saturday and that means that I'm late getting out my blog. I hope things are well in your little corner of the world and that you've found a reason to smile this week.  So, I did something this week that was very out of my comfort zone. This week I put up a couple of videos that actually had me in them. I don't mind putting up the occasional, well-thought-out, very posed picture of myself. It is doable and I can get past my insecurities to not only do it, but to post it. But being on video makes me very uncomfortable.  Somehow, I worked through the fear, the self-doubt, and the dislike that I feel when I look at myself and did it. I'm proud of myself for doing it, but I'm still a little freaked out that I took that step. I'm sure you're asking, "Why do it if it makes you so uncomfortable?" Here's my answer: I have to. I've been on social media for a long time now and the growing trend for authors that ...

Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'

Good morning, my Lovelies! Wow! This week has absolutely flown by in some ways and in others, it has dragged on and on. I apologize, but I hadn't even given my blog a thought until this morning.  There's just been so much going on! Between work, and writing, and kids, and husband, and a sick cat, I've been going non-stop! And that's just the stuff local to me! We won't even touch on stuff globally! (Although, I do want to take a moment to say that my heart is breaking for the people of Ukraine right now and you all have my support!) So, somewhere along the way this week, in the chaos of thoughts that I'm bombarded with daily (blessing or curse?), I had an odd musing. Is it just me, or does it seem like men and women are part of a cruel joke when we're talking about sex drive? Ok, hear me out. Most men hit their sexual peak in their late teens/20's, right? And women, don't normally hit their peak until late 30's/40's, right? So many men in rel...