Bad Influence

Good evening, my Lovelies! And how are all of you this beautiful Thursday? Me? I'm alright, I suppose. I can't seem to get motivated today, which seriously sucks. Although, I think part of that has to do with this damn brain fog that I can't get past since I had COVID. It seems as if each and every little thing I do takes much more effort than it should and I despise that. is what it is. Let's move on!

So, when I began thinking about putting my work out there for everyone and getting ideas about publishing my books, I don't think I had any idea how that would one day affect my readers. I suppose I just thought that I would be providing everyone with a great story and some entertainment.

If you had asked me if thought that my books would be more than that, that they would actually help people, I don't think I would have believed you. Now, I'm sure you're asking just exactly what I mean by that and you know that me and my non-stop mouthiness are going to fill you in.

I have now been approached and reached out to by a whole bunch of readers and told some pretty amazing things. It seems that my stories (as well as other books I have recommended) have been helping my readers to find and explore their sexuality, helping them to rediscover lost sexuality, and helping to rekindle romances. 

Mothers of young children who have forgotten what it's like to feel sexy because they spend their days in yoga pants with their hair in a messy bun chasing after toddlers, have messaged me. Women with grown children who don't quite have that spark that they once had have reached out to me. People who had no idea that they might like a little kinkiness in their lives, or who have used some of the scenes in my books to spice things up, have reached out to me.

It's really pretty damn cool! And I've heard some great stories! Sexy stories and romantic stories, and most of all, some fucking hilarious stories! 

And it doesn't seem to matter where I'm at, if someone is around me that knows I write erotic romance, they almost always share some of their experiences. It has happened at work, at the salon, out with friends, and even at the grocery store!

You know what? I absolutely love it!

I've said time and again that I'm a bad influence but that I'm a whole lot of fun. (I even have the T-shirt to prove it.) And I do not mind being that bad influence. I feel like I'm doing so much more than entertaining people, and that, my friends, is simply amazing.

So, please, y'all, keep sharing those stories with me. It really helps me to know that y'all are getting more out of my work than just a little entertainment.

And, just as a never know when I may use part or all of a story that I'm told when I'm writing... (Did you see the halo appear over my head?)

Until next time, and as always,

Much love and affection, from me to you!

Shelly (a/k/a Dawn Love)

Dawn Love's Linktree


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