Here You Come Again

Good afternoon, my Lovelies!

I know. It has been forever since I blogged. Let me just take a moment to fill you in on what's been going on with me.

If you don't know, I got COVID at the beginning of October. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. (Maybe I just didn't get a bad case? Maybe it is because I'm vaxxed? At this point, who knows!) Then after I went through quarantine and recovery, I had all of two good weeks before I got sick again. This time I got a cold and, as my luck goes, within about three or four days it turned into bronchitis.

Yay, me! I never do things on a small scale! Anyway, I am still struggling with bronchitis (yes, my cough is not only lingering but seems to have started getting worse again) and I...ugh! I just feel like I've had my ass repeatedly kicked by all the sickness.

There are some other things going on personally - sickness in my family, my oldest being home at Thanksgiving, that have been taking up what little energy I have left.

Oh, yeah, then there's this book that was released today...

Yes! It finally happened! Mountain Haven is finally available for purchase. It's a relief, but oh my goodness I sure have been spending a lot of time trying to advertise and promote it. Add all that in with still trying to write my other stories, and I'm kind of losing it. My brain actually hurts from all I'm trying to do and keep up with.

I'm exhausted and no amount of sleep seems to be enough. But...I did want to check in with you guys, see how y'all are doing, etc. Also, because I don't want this blog to simply be me telling you all my woes, I do want to share something else with you, an epiphany I had last night.

So, as part of trying to boost my Newsletter subscription and just generally trying to get my work out there and more visible, I have been working on my short stories and poems and I almost have them ready to share. I've decided to offer them in book form, completely free to my Newsletter subscribers (and only to my Newsletter subscribers). It will be my incentive and thanks to those who have signed up.

Now, here's the kicker, I've told you before that some of these stories are true, some are lies, and some are complete fantasies. So, the title of the book will be Truth, Lies & Fantasies. Real original, right? Anyway, as I finished writing one of my stories last night I had a moment.

Yes, the story I was working on is a true story. Yes, I realized something about myself after I wrote it out that I had never been aware of previously.

What is that? I realized that I spent the majority of my teen years being a back-burner bitch to multiple guys. I was always their second, third, or hell, maybe even fourth choice. I'd never put it together until I actually wrote out each of these stories. How is it that I can see this in other people, see it happening to other people, but had never seen it in myself?

It was so weird! Even though these relationships were eons ago, I still walked away from my computer last night feeling used, hurt, and even mad at myself for allowing it to happen.

Looking back I can see it all so clearly. I don't know how I ever let these guys treat me this way, but I can tell you this, I'm so glad that I found someone who puts me first. 

Five stars - highly recommend.

And now that I've shared my woes, shared my naivete, and shared my book news, let me share one more thing with you. My love.

Much of the mushy stuff from my heart to yours!

Shelly (a/k/a Dawn Love)

Dawn Love's Linktree


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