
Good evening, my Lovelies!

It has been a full month since I've blogged and I hardly know where to begin. I mean, first things first, I sincerely hope that you all are doing well and that you had wonderful holiday celebrations. My holiday was good but stressful. I certainly don't feel that I found any time to relax and unwind while I was off and I find that very frustrating.

I traveled. And while it's always great to see family, this trip finds me returning home completely exhausted. Truthfully, there was no part of this holiday that felt like Christmas to me. The constant worry over my parents and their health combined with being needed for one thing or another every five minutes just absolutely wore me out. I mean, I didn't even go for a drive to see Christmas lights and that is one of my favorite things to do during the holidays.

I honestly feel like I need another week off to recover.

And here is one more thing that I'm going to be 100% honest about: I have not written more than a paragraph since the first of December. No matter how much I've wanted to, I simply have not felt like it. My heart hasn't been in it.

If you've been following and reading my blogs for a while now, you know that writing is not only a way for me to be creative, but it is also an escape for me and a way for me to work through things that are on my mind. It's my therapy. Now, as it has been so long, I feel like there is this deluge of thoughts, worries, and stories just sitting there waiting for the dam to be breached. It's overwhelming knowing there is such a buildup, but it is just as overwhelming thinking about what will happen with those floodgates open.

I know that if I get the chance to sit down uninterrupted I will have a marathon writing day (or two). But I have to find the time and the courage to do it.

Courage? Yes. Courage. After being away from my keyboard for so long, my imposter syndrome is flying its flag and I'm questioning (once again) my ability to put together and convey the stories inside me. I feel like everything I've ever written is a huge pile of crap. 

I'm struggling, but I know I have some amazing people behind me supporting me and my efforts and I can't thank all of you enough. Please forgive my constant need for reassurance. Hopefully, one of these days I will believe in myself as much as all of you do.

I'll get myself sorted out - it's all part of my self-esteem cycle, but until then, please send me all your encouraging thoughts!

In the meantime, if you've read any of my books and haven't left me a review and/or a rating, please do so! I need them!

Until next time...

Much love from me to you!

Shelly (a/k/a Dawn Love)

Dawn Love's Linktree


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