More Like Her

Good afternoon, my Lovelies!

How the hell are ya? Me? I'm walking on clouds! I've just recently come back from my trip to Knoxville where I attended my first-ever author signing event and it was all I could have hoped for and more! Rockin' Romance Readers was simply AMAZING!

I had so much fun meeting and interacting with everyone and it made me look forward to all the upcoming events that I have even more than I already was.

So, I'm sure you're on pins and needles waiting for me to get to the point of my blog. 

"More Like Her"

I've never considered myself beautiful. I've never considered myself pretty. I've certainly never considered myself sexy. Maybe I don't have a very good view of myself and all I bring to the table. I don't know.

I've always been overweight which has been a major obstacle for me in many areas of my life, especially when it comes to my appearance. Maybe I wouldn't have found myself obsessing over it most of my life if I hadn't been told as a teenager that, I "wouldn't be that bad looking if I lost some weight." Now, before y'all lose your shit and go off on the teenage boy who said this to me, he was a TYPICAL teenage boy.

It hurt and it has stuck with me even all these years later. But, yes, it completely fucked with my head.

Recently I've had some conversations and some interactions that have made me question why. Why would anyone find me even remotely attractive? 

I just spent a weekend hanging around some gorgeous, sexy, and extremely buff men. Men who have done these amazing photoshoots with beautiful and sexy models. (Really...y'all should see some of the images from the couples shoots! Whew!) The women they're posing with? I could never, NEVER compete with them. In fact, I would never even be in the running.

I will never be model material. I will never be beauty queen material. I will never win some title or look sexy in a swimsuit. I will NEVER look "right" in one of these men's arms.

(Yes, I know I'm married - we're talking hypothetically here, people...just roll with it.)

My body has been through a lot. The crash diets, the binge eating, and two pregnancies where my body was sliced open and sewn and stapled (56 of those bitches) back together - it all did a number on me physically and mentally. There's scar tissue and sagging breasts. Muscle tone? Yeah, right.

Knowing that I'm not and will never be on any kind of equal footing with these guys made me wish that I was different. Going into this weekend I was freaked out at the thought of having to take photos with them and the readers.

But these men, God they're amazing. They never once made me feel as if I didn't belong or that I was less and I can't thank them enough for the confidence boost they gave me and for welcoming me with open arms.

I love them and their beautiful hearts. They truly made this trip a blessing for me!

So, now that I'm crying uncontrollably, I need to wrap this up. Let me leave you with the thought that no matter how scared or anxious you are, take the fucking leap. 

You never know where you will land and it may be exactly where you were meant to be all along.

Until next time and as always,

Much love and beautiful memories from me to you,

Shelly (a/k/a Dawn Love)

Dawn Love's Linktree


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