Glory Days

Good morning, my Lovelies, and happy Tuesday!

I'm not certain how we are already three days into this month, but here we are. I hope this blog finds you happy and healthy in your little corner of the world. Me? I suppose I'm doing well.

I've just returned from my girls' trip weekend in the OuterBanks of North Carolina and while I had a great time and enjoyed my rest and relaxation with friends, I am definitely feeling it. Every year we go it seems our trip gets more and more tame. I think we've gone from "Mom's Gone Wild" to "Mom's Just Wanna Be Left Alone to Sit on the Sofa in Peace and Scroll Through Our Phones."

The first year we were there we stayed drunk pretty much the entire time we were gone. Each year our level of drunkenness has decreased. We still have fun, but the alcohol is an extra instead of the main attraction. 

Yes, I know that isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's definitely making me feel old though. There was a time in my life when I could drink all night long, get drunk enough to throw up, and then go right back to drinking without missing a beat. I'd crawl in bed at two or three in the morning, grab three hours of sleep, and then get up and go to work.

Those days are long gone. Now, a night out with the girls getting tipsy can take me out of the game for a couple of days. I'm finding it isn't a huge deal, though.

Should I consider this a sign of maturity or just getting old?

Either way, it's always a blast to get together and relive our trips, and all our drunken days on vacation. And we have even more laughs when we think back to the times we've entertained the people renting houses on either side of us. I mean, we've had everyone from teenage boys up to grandpa ages watching our every move when we're by the pool or in the hot tub. (This time it was a house full of frat boys.)

Traveling has always been a love of mine. I prefer mountains, but every once in a while I just need some time on a beach. Our annual trip seems to help satisfy that need. I mean, I wasn't quite ready to leave when I had to and I'm already ready to go back, but I at least feel that I got what I needed while I was gone.

Maybe that has more to do with the need to escape reality than the need to visit a specific location, but whatever the reason, next year can't get here soon enough. For now, I suppose we'll continue to bull-shit about the past and get lost in the memories of our glory days.

Until next time and as always,

Much love and fond memories from me to you,

Shelly (a/k/a Dawn Love)

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