Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off

Good afternoon, my Lovelies!

Another week has passed and it's time for my weekly random thought purge otherwise known as my blog. Before I jump in with both feet, let me take just a moment to check in with you. You good? Life treating you well? I hope so!

How am I? Well, I'm recovering from whatever upper respiratory crud is floating around out there. I'm seriously ready for it to be gone so that I feel normal again. (Or as normal as I ever feel...) I need to be better so I feel like getting some shit done. This having no energy thing is bringing me down. 

I also need to get better so that I can have some time out with my girlies! Y'all know I love to have my nights out. I need those margarita nights! I need that time to step away from the day-to-day, to let my hair down, and to be a little wild and crazy.

I think I've fully outgrown the need to get drunk off my ass, but I do still enjoy getting tipsy and sharing stories with my friends. Margaritas, shots, and talking shit. That's the formula for making me relax and laugh. And somehow, no matter which friend group I'm with, we always end up having our shots bought for us. I've yet to figure out why this happens, but it does. I seriously can't remember the last time I bought a shot myself. Weird.

I'm uncertain when tequila became my alcohol of choice, but it always seems to be my go-to, and yes, if you offer me a tequila shot, I will do it - no salt - no lime - no hesitation. I can knock them back fairly easily.

I'm sure that with the title of this blog, you're now wondering, does tequila have this effect on me?

The answer is yes. Without a doubt. Could that be one of the reasons I enjoy drinking it so much? Possibly. It definitely lowers my inhibitions and we all know that there are some things that are a million times better when we let our guard down.

Are you going to find a trail of my clothing from the bar to my house? No. Will you find a pile at the foot of my bed once I'm home? Absolutely.

I would love to know what lowers your inhibitions! What makes your clothes fall off?

Until next time and as always,

Much love and drunk sexual encounters from me to you,

Shelly (a/k/a Dawn Love)

Dawn Love's Linktree


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