Back in Black

Greetings, my Lovelies!

Yes, I know it has been a while. Life has been kicking me in the balls lately and I'll be honest, I just haven't had it in me to tap into my thoughts and emotions. Let me take just a minute to check in with you. Are you doing alright? Are you getting enough sleep? Have you been drinking your water? 

Yeah, that's what I thought. Hang in there. We're all in this together.

There's been so much since I last blogged that I truly have no idea where to begin. If you're following me on my other social media outlets, you know I'm still in Kentucky taking care of my mother. I've done some extremely difficult things in my life, but this? Well, this may very well be the most difficult thing I've ever done.

I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss home. 

I can't seem to think clearly anymore. Wait, let me try that again. You see, I don't know if my ADHD brain has ever allowed me to think clearly. Let's go with...I can't seem to think as clearly as I normally do anymore.

Every time I think I have something cleared off a list of mandatory things to be done, I realize there is still something lingering I need to address. Then before I can do that, five more things get added to the list. I would say this is fairly typical for my life, but keep in mind that I'm trying to care for my mother, run two households that are 900 miles apart, be a mother and a wife, and just fucking breathe.

I'm trying to keep up with everyone's schedules, get mom where she needs to be for doctor's appointments, keep the kid at home on track with her schedule, and I'm trying my damndest to schedule my own appointments for my rare trips home. Only a few days at home? No problem! Let's load those days so you can barely breathe and are running in circles, Shell!

This is just the tip of the iceberg of all I'm doing. Oh yeah, did I mention I'm still trying to write, publish, and manage a business in the midst of all this? And let's not forget all the paperwork I'm having to constantly fill out for my employer so that I don't lose my actual job while I'm off on leave.

It's so fucking overwhelming. And all this doesn't take into account the emotional rollercoaster I've been on since losing Dad in November and knowing that I'm on borrowed time with Mom.

I do have some funny stories from my trip to Canada and some exciting things to share with you. But, I think for now I'm going to keep this particular blog as a clearing of my head. A sweeping of the cobwebs. A mental word vomit. A purge of depressing thoughts. 

I will try my hardest to get back into blogging regularly. I'd love to be able to get back to my happy-go-lucky self. She's much more fun than serious and responsible me. Her energy draws people, while serious and responsible me drains people.

Hopefully, that crazy, fun-loving woman will come out of hiding soon. After all, life is much more exciting when we're all a little bit mad! (Or, however it was worded in Alice in Wonderland...)

Until next time and as always,

Much love and brain dumping to you,

Shelly (a/k/a Dawn Love)

Dawn Love's Linktree


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