
Showing posts from December, 2024


Good Wednesday morning, my Lovelies! Am I overwhelming you with blogs lately? I hope not. I hope the things I write about are entertaining, touching, or make you think about your own life and realize you aren't alone in your struggles, triumphs, and joys. We all need those connections, even if it comes from a stranger. I hope you're all doing well and are having a wonderful holiday season. Obviously, this year hits a bit different for me. In the past year and a half my father, mother, and aunt have all passed away. I also recently had the first man to EVER make me feel beautiful, sexy, and wanted - the man who rescued me from a really bad marriage, to suddenly die. So, yeah, this one is a bit rough for me. I know I have friends and family I can lean on, but it's still taking a toll on me. This is the first year since I moved from Kentucky that I've had nowhere else to go for the holidays. We used to trade off holidays, ya know? One year we would visit at Thanksgiving an...

Wish You the Best

Good afternoon, my Lovelies. I know, I know! Two blogs within one week? Crazy, right? I wish this was a happy, upbeat, encouraging one, but I'm definitely not in that frame of mind right now. Hell, I might not even publish this one. We'll see how I'm feeling after I purge all these thoughts. I'm hurt. I'm defeated. I'm so damn tired of dealing with the same old shit. Where to begin... Let's start with people's words not matching their actions. I'm having a real issue with people telling me they'll always be there for me and then when I reach out, they're not. Don't tell me you love me and want me in your life only to take days or weeks to get back to me when I call or text. That's not very "I'll always love you" of you. Going through your own shit? I get that. I'm here for you. As long as I'm on this earth, I'll be here for you. But if you won't even respond to me, how am I supposed to know you're suf...


Good afternoon, my Lovelies! 'Tis four days before the release of Jaxon's Fate and five days before my birthday and all through the land things are not well.  Okay. I was going to get all cutesy and set that opening up like a play on The Night Before Christmas, but my creativity levels are just NOT there today. (Which is probably why I'm blogging instead of working on a book.) Okay...before I dive in here too far... How y'all doin'? Ya good? I truly do hope you are well and enjoying the holiday season - whatever that looks like for you. This time of year can be so hard for a multitude of reasons. Please promise me if you're having a hard time right now, that you'll reach out. Call a friend, a family member, a hotline... can even message me. I don't give advice unless asked for, but I will always, and I do mean that wholeheartedly, ALWAYS listen. So, what's going on with me?  Sleep deprivation. I've had trouble sleeping off and on for y...