
Showing posts from January, 2025


Good afternoon, my Lovelies! It is my greatest hope that this blog finds you healthy and happy. Me? I'm working on it. If you've been with me for a while you know that a few years ago I started going on a writer's retreat. I always scheduled it for sometime around Valentine's Day and there's a very good reason for that. For many people in committed relationships - married, dating, or whatever label you put on it - when Valentine's comes along, there are plans made. Some go to dinner, some give gifts, and some plan romantic evenings. Some people put a ton of effort into it - some minimal - but whatever level of effort, there is love shown. Somehow, those things have never happened for me. Ever. No matter who I've been with. I used to try to brush it off as no big deal, but over the past 10 years or so I've come to realize it IS a big deal - at least to me. I've never been taken to dinner on V-Day. I've never been given a gift other than an occasio...


Good afternoon, my Lovelies! I wasn't going to blog today but I need to get some things out of my head. I've been in tears for the past two days and I can't seem to stop them from coming. I have a girls' night planned with friends for tomorrow and I should probably just wait and talk to them, but I can't think about anything else right now, so maybe if I write it down I can salvage something of this day. First, how y'all doin'? Is it cold where you are? Are you taking care of yourself? Drinking your water? Alright, here we go. With very, very few exceptions, my entire love/sex life has been made up of men: 1. Declaring their love for me just to keep me around as a backup. 2. Expecting me to always be waiting. 3. Telling me I'm beautiful simply to see if I'll fuck them. 4. Telling me they want me and want to be with me, then disappearing. They shove my entire existence into the back of a closet where they run across me five years later and pull me out...

Dirty Mind

Good afternoon, my Lovelies! I am deep into writing the third book in my Mountain Mayhem series but I needed to come up for air. I keep hitting crossroads with this story and am questioning whether I've taken the correct path or not. I would love to dive into another story for a bit to see if I can let this one rest and unfold for me, but I'm afraid if I do I'll not meet my deadline. (BTW, the next time any of you hear me talking about putting a book up for preorder that I've not written yet, grab me and shake some sense into me. Okay?) Being able to bounce back and forth between stories usually helps me, but I could totally see myself getting sucked in and pushing this story to the side. So, anyway... How y'all doin'? Y'all good? Enjoying your new year so far? Getting some fresh air? Drinking your water? Taking care of your mental health? It's that last one that has been getting me lately, but I really don't want to talk about that today. Nope! Toda...