
Showing posts from March, 2021

Crazy On You

Good morning, my Lovelies! I hope this post finds you happy, healthy, and somewhat sane. I come to you this morning fresh off of one of my recurring dreams. Yes, I said one, as I actually have quite a few recurring dreams. This one? In its simplicity, is one of my favorites, and no matter how many times I have the dream I always wake in a damn good mood. (Obviously, I don't have this dream near often enough as I'm normally an incoherent, grouchy, bitch first thing in the morning.) So what is this mood-altering dream? Well, as some of you may know, I'm a geek. I'm actually a major geek and I really don't try to hide it. (Reference the Mandalorian tattoo on my leg.) I love Star Wars, Star Trek, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who, Charmed, Supernatural, Transformers, etc. Marvel and DC movies? I'm down for that anytime, anywhere. I really could go on and on.  They are like a vortex for me and if I find one on, I am immediately drawn in, even if the show/movie is ...

I'm So Excited

Good afternoon, my Lovelies! I'm just stopping in to make a quick post to tell you that my Patreon page is now up and running. Yes, I have launched and I'm so excited to share some new content with you. You will find many things there that you absolutely will not find anywhere else, so join me! Have questions about Patreon? Message me! (I mean, you can message me any time you wish as I love to hear from you!) Oh, and here is the link to my page! As always, Much love from me to you! Shelly (a/k/a Dawn Love)

Chaos & Piss

Good afternoon, my Lovies! I know I usually come to you with a certain amount of perkiness and hopefulness, but I'm just not feeling it today. Forgive me. Is there something wrong? Absolutely. Can it be changed? I'm working on it. Is it going to make me physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted in the meantime? Definitely. In other words, I'm tired y'all. I'm tired to the depths of my soul. Finding the strength and energy to get out of bed for the past couple of weeks has been a daunting task, to say the least. I'm floundering in every aspect of my life at the moment and it is pissing me off. It's almost as if there isn't enough of me to go around. My time and efforts are battling with my needs, wants, and desires, and in the process, nothing is being accomplished except for me making my ass drag with unbearable weariness. (And pissing off everyone around me at the same time! Fun!) There are just not enough hours in my day. Correction, there are no...

Letter to Me (Episode 4)

Good morning and happy weekend, my Lovelies! I hope you have found some fun, interesting or exciting things to do this weekend! I believe this shall be the last in my "Letter to Me" series (at least for now). As I begin this one, I'm not certain all I want to say, all I should say, or what I can get up the courage to say, but here we go. Dear twenty-five-year-old me: I want to start out by saying I know you thought you were doing the right thing. Growing up in a small town led you and many of your friends to believe the general mindset that afflicts the area. Yes, a large portion of the population there believe that young women need not aim for more than getting married and popping out a couple of kids. You got married because it was expected, not because you were in love. It took you a while to figure it out, but you realize this now, so please do me a favor and stop beating yourself up over it. I promise we don't deserve the constant mental bashing. We've lived ...

This Is Me

Good morning, my Lovelies! I hope you all know just how much I enjoy sharing myself, my life, and my life experiences with you. I hope you get what you need by reading my words, whether that's a good story, a good laugh, or a good cry.  This week I've found myself thinking about my children, their personalities, and all the crazy, funny things that have popped out of their mouths over the years. Like that time that my oldest (then the ripe old age of two) cursed for the first time. It was said so seriously and with such a deep Kentucky accent that there absolutely was no doubt of where those little ears had heard it. It was so damn cute that all I could do was laugh.  (Yes, I have an accent. No, it doesn't matter that I've lived somewhere else for almost half my life. It is there. It isn't going anywhere. Charming? Maybe, maybe not, but it sure is good for a few laughs when I'm with my friends.) And my youngest, always dramatic even as a tot, would never tell me...

Letter to Me (Episode 3)

Greetings, my Lovelies! I hope this blog finds you enjoying some sunshine and beautiful Spring-like weather. With any luck, your world is starting to shed its winter coat and offering you much more reasonable temperatures.  Welcome to Episode 3 of Letter to Me. I hope you have been enjoying my thoughts and point of view as I look back at my past. This one, well, this one was a hard one for me to write, and I'm sure once you read it you can understand why. Grab a cup of coffee, or a glass of wine, and prop your feet up. Here we go! Dear thirteen-year-old me: I know that being the little sister is extremely hard at times. (Older brothers can be a pain in the ass.) You've argued and fought, verbally and physically. You're both too hard-headed to do otherwise! But no matter how hard you've fought, you've had a ton of fun together, too. You've done well learning from his mistakes. (Please keep in mind that this just means you will make new and different mistakes.) Bu...

Better Sorry Than Safe

Good morning, my Lovelies! How ya doin'? Hanging in there? Getting enough sleep? Taking good care of yourself? Me? Well, my answers are: Eh, I'm here, sort of, no, and no. But I'm doing the best I can at this point and well, as I always say, it is what it is. So what's new with me? I have exciting news! I've been working on something that I've wanted to do for a while now. I've been hoping to find more ways to share with you all. After much consideration and freaking my children out (Damn that was fun!), I decided that making an OnlyFans account was not the best avenue for me. I did, however, decide to make a Patreon account. What does that mean? That means that if you become one of my patrons you will get exclusive access to some of my projects! I've been working on things such as poems and short stories to share with you, and I will be offering some audio works, as well. There are a few other things that I'm working on incorporating in the subscrip...

Letter to Me (Episode 2)

Hello my Lovelies and welcome to another edition of Letter to Me. I'll be your host as I guide you through this journey into the past, this trip down memory lane, and what I wish I'd known then. Please remain seated at all times and be prepared for the curves and slippery roads ahead. Dear seventeen-year-old me:  First, let me thank you for entertaining your graduating class with your "Future Plans: Life After High School" entry in the yearbook. Everyone got a good laugh out of the thought of you moving to Jamaica and joining a reggae band. I'm so glad that spending two years playing the xylophone for the marching band gave you such humorous inspiration. College is going to be so much fun! You're finally going to be on your own and you're going to experience so many firsts. You're going to meet some amazingly crazy and wonderfully talented people. You're going to go to band camp and it is going to hit you just how different it is at the college lev...

I Don't Want to Be

Good morning, my Lovelies! I awoke this morning in a complete state of confusion. This would be the second day in a row that I've been sleeping hard enough when my alarm sounded that I momentarily forgot my own name, where I was at, and what day it was. I want to say that it was a good thing I was so confused, simply because it means I was actually sleeping when that irritating noise broke the silence of my bedroom. However, it seems my insomnia has hit hard again lately, and I'm finding myself awake for a couple of hours each night, which, in turn, is causing that deep sleep and confusion in the mornings.  The past couple of weeks have been hard for a variety of reasons, some work-related - some not, and I'm sure those reasons have played an integral role in my sleep deprivation. But no matter what is thrown at me, I somehow manage to keep going and doing. Maybe one of these days I won't have that grating noise waking me from a perfectly good sleep. Maybe one of these ...